ABP no longer blocking elements on Google/Youtube

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ABP no longer blocking elements on Google/Youtube

Post by begone »

I've used ABP for years, and it's never failed me, until a few days ago. The stupid, annoying and intrusive "cards" at the end of Youtube videos were easy to block using the "Block elements" function when the first showed up some years ago, but since the last couple of days, they're back, and impossible to block. The code snippet shows up in the list but nothing is blocked. The same thing happens on a site which has a Google ad banner in the lower left corner, blocking a good part of the screen (in this case a map service). I can use the "Block element" function over and over, but nothing gets blocked. The ad banner remains (although, the actual ad in it is blocked by ABP, so only an empty frame ever shows up). I was able to block this ad frame using another add-on, so it's certainly possible, but even that tool had no luck with the Youtube cards.

Now, Youtube is a part of Google, and the ads are from Google, so could it be that they've found some magical code that prevents elements from being blocked, or is it merely a new web coding standard that ABP doesn't fully support or handle yet?

I have the latest version of ABP (3.8.4) and the latest version of Firefox (76.0.1). Running on Windows 10 (1909, with the latest updates up until today 24 may 2020).

Here's an example of the code for a Youtube card:

Code: Select all

<div class="ytp-ce-element ytp-ce-channel ytp-ce-channel-this ytp-ce-element-show ytp-ce-bottom-left-quad ytp-ce-size-1920" tabindex="0" aria-label="Computerphile, channel" data-layer="4" style="width: 254px; height: 254px; left: 1400.5px; top: 531px;"><div class="ytp-ce-element-shadow"></div><div class="ytp-ce-expanding-overlay"><div class="ytp-ce-expanding-overlay-hider"></div><div class="ytp-ce-expanding-overlay-background"></div><div class="ytp-ce-expanding-overlay-content"><div class="ytp-ce-expanding-overlay-body" style="height: 254px;"><div class="ytp-ce-expanding-overlay-body-padding"><a class="ytp-ce-channel-title ytp-ce-link" href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9-y-6csu5WGm29I7JiwpnA" target="_blank" tabindex="-1" dir="ltr">Computerphile</a><div class="ytp-ce-subscribe-container"><div class="ytp-ce-channel-subscribe ytp-ce-subscribe-button"><div class="ytp-button ytp-sb ytp-sb-subscribed"><div class="ytp-sb-subscribe" aria-label="Subscribe to channel"><div class="ytp-sb-text"><div class="ytp-sb-icon"></div>SUBSCRIBE</div></div><div class="ytp-sb-unsubscribe" aria-label="Unsubscribe to channel"><div class="ytp-sb-text"><div class="ytp-sb-icon"></div>SUBSCRIBED</div></div></div></div></div><div class="ytp-ce-channel-metadata yt-ui-ellipsis yt-ui-ellipsis-3">Videos all about computers and computer stuff. Sister channel of Numberphile.</div></div></div></div></div><div class="ytp-ce-expanding-image" style="background-image: url("https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AATXAJzXS-xzGQGviuVY1z5xj_jm97ZSbHUDxdn5FQ=s400-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj");"></div></div>
Grateful for any help!
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