chrome filter storage issues on a mac server

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Joined: Wed Oct 16, 2013 9:59 pm

chrome filter storage issues on a mac server

Post by hlba »

I have been getting the error message that this is *supposed* to address: en/known-issues-chrome#filterstorage
However, uninstalling and reinstalling hasn't been successful.
I suspect the issue is that I access Chrome through my login on a mac server-- so I'm not using a local account. Because I'm using a server account, there were many options of where the chrome application support file was. I think I found it on my server folder, but I somehow don't have the permissions to delete the file system folder.

It seems to me that ABP could be configured to play better with mac servers.
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Re: chrome filter storage issues on a mac server

Post by p_hill »

Apparently, I cannot understand, what your issue is exactly about. If it still exists, please file a detailed step-by-step report at