'blocked on all connect..', but how can I check real status?

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'blocked on all connect..', but how can I check real status?

Post by HB_ »

I've been fighting with ABP and root privileges for a while. Basically, ABP doesn't have root privileges when it runs 'iptables', so it fails and ABP doesn't know it.

The notification will say 'blocked on all connections', when it should say "I broken. Check out all them ads."
My intention is to make a Tasker profile that will fix ABP, before I find a screen full of ads.

Using commands and/or Tasker (intents, ??), I want to verify that ABP is actually running correctly.
1) Check that iptables are configured correctly. If not, can I "tell" ABP to re-run the proxy setup, or configure the iptables for it??
2) Ask ABP for it's status, or find it somehow?
3) Find the proxy service. Is it running or not?
n) Gather any other useful information.
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