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Sophisticated anti-AdBlocksoftware on news site Telegraph UK

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:20 am
by annoying
When you visit a web page news article on telegraph-co-uk while using AdBlock (any version) a huge popup recognizes you are blocking their ads. It basically hijacks your viewing experience until you whitelist their site. Which I will not do. When I block this huge popup, the web page will lock onto only what is viewable on your monitor. You cannot scroll up or down. Very sophisticated anti-AdBlock software technology!

Re: Sophisticated anti-AdBlocksoftware on news site Telegraph UK

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:44 pm
by rach
Hey annoying!

Thanks for letting us know. We know that many websites are doing that and asking users to disable Adblock Plus or whichever Adblocker they are using.
It is their right to do so, but we hope to find a solution soon. :)
Are you using ABP for Android?
All the best,