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AdBlock Premium (family plan) is not able to block YouTube /

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 1:50 pm
by RonWesley
AdBlock Premium (family plan) is not able to block YouTube / FaceBook / Instagram ads in iOS. Basically it is not able to block anything other than ads and trackers in Safari. How can we verify that it is at least able to block tracking in the other apps (YouTube / FaceBook / Instagram).

I use AdBlock on my PC browsers and I am a fan of it. However, couldn't be satisfied with its performance in iOS. Am I missing something ?

Re: AdBlock Premium (family plan) is not able to block YouTube /

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 6:13 pm
by sbell
Hi there @RonWesley!

Thanks for reaching out. We only have one version of our Ad blocker. Adblock Plus doesn't have a tiered program currently. Could you be attempting to reach AdBlock by chance? You can reach them here

ABP Support Team