Why I like ABP and want to keep it

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Why I like ABP and want to keep it

Post by OlderWiserRetired »

Pedal to the Metal, guys!

I registered to say, "Keep up the good work, ABP!", after I read a topic post on this forum titled, "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year..." from a recently fired website employee. I wanted to offer an opposing view as a new topic: "why I like ABP and want to keep it".

I'm fairly new to ABP, installing it on my new i7-4790 computer and my less newish Note 4. ABP is a blessing, a savior, a charm and a reminder that greedy people can be stopped (or sent into the null). On my PC running Chrome, without unnecessary distraction, I can now read the news and learn who to vote for in the upcoming battle against unbridled greed, which is what our U.S.A. electoral process has become. On my Note 4 running Chrome its not so good.

Since when did the internet of humanity's shared ideas become the modern mail-order catalog of useless garbage? The answer is, since no-one tried to stop the greedy business owners, who are generally self-centered people, from destroying the greatest idea man has developed; universal communication. Until now! Dare I shout, "Alleluia!"

Anyone out there remember how the internet changed during the porn explosion? At first, I was a fan. Then came script hi-jacking, virus' and identity theft, pop-outs, pop-behinds, **ck-buddy requests from 1 mile away(wait, what?), and etc. Die-hards learned to blunt these attacks on personal liberty and privacy, but only to a point. Browsing for porn nowadays is an exercise in limpitude; you'll get nowhere near where you want to go - because of the greed! I stopped being a fan.

It seems to me, imho, that the non-porn internet is headed in the same direction, with a bullet. Once the Main Stream Media (T.V., print and cable) greed found it, the non-porn internet hasn't been the same. I noticed this about eight years ago, during the last national election, after "internet sources" became part of the MSM lexicon. They derided it then and now they try to own it. Change is good, but co-opting something is very bad. The old, dare I say obsolete, Advertising-driven Business Model was dying along with Traditional Media. It wants a second life on the internet. ABP is a good effort towards killing this zombie!

I am trying to sort through the greed-laced bull-puckey that fills our election process. I want to vote for someone intelligent who we Americans can respect, and who will be respected by the rest of the modern world. I sincerely thank ABP for making this task a lot less aggravating. :D

Last point is directed toward anyone, and their employees, who operates a website; in commerce, we vote with our wallets. If you don't do as we please, you will get none of our money! We will stop giving you attention, we will implement no-call lists, we do tell our friends bad things about you. You will lay-off your staff. You will probably go out-of-business. Advertising, per se, is okay. But take pride in your site first, show us some respect, sell a good product or service, and then your obscene profits will follow. Its simply Business 101.
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