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Corporate Managed Filter List

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:15 pm
by ericmoore
We're hoping to use ABP in a corporate environment. The only "non-standard" bit we need to do is add a custom filter so we have corporate control in case something gets blocked or whitelisted we'd rather override.

I've managed to get a corporate filter list working on APB for Chrome:
- create a list
- host it on the intranet
- add it as a custom filter list in ABP options

I've also managed to get patterns.ini edited under ABP for IE11
  • add custom subscription at the bottom

Two questions:
  • Now how do I replicate that to 6000 PCs?
    - the install is easy [extensioninstallforcelist] in a GPO
    - Where is that custom setting saved
    - How can I deploy that custom list using SCCM or GPO?
  • How do I repeat for IE?
    - Can I just deploy my custom patterns.ini using SCCM after I've Installed with the MSI
    - I can't work out what triggers a refresh following changes to the list - is it JUST the <expires> flag?