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[Feature Request] Extension for filtering out seller/poster

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:10 am
by ImFromMeowterSpace
I am hoping this hasn't been asked before, but I am recently having a really stressful time dealing with all the garbage being sold on websites like Etsy, Ebay & Amazon. Particularly Etsy. I would absolutely kill for, hell I would pay for, an extension for Adblock Plus which works like or even within the "Element Hiding Helper", to remove all results containing unique identifiers such as a username or seller/shop name. I am not so sure it would be easy for Amazon, but I do believe it's possible with Etsy at least, maybe also Ebay. There are so many stupid people there, peddling absolute garbage (Like people who slap a mass-produced octopus charm on a cheap flask & charge $60 for it when it cost them around $3 to make & no skill or talent), or worse (mass-produced Chinese garbage). It wastes so much of my precious time, patience, & energy, wading through this trash. It's actually making me pretty miserable. I am disabled & I rely on these places to be able to buy most of the things I need because I can't go into stores.

Filters wouldn't need to be maintained by anyone, it could just work similarly to the hiding helper, or even be a part of it. Tell it to look for the identifier & it can be blocked by us. It may seem out of scope, but I don't really think it is. These are basically ads for products & they are deceptive, or extremely undesirable. They also pollute websites with their noise & make it hell to look for things that don't totally suck. Plus we can't always remember the seller names every time we go back to the site. :(

I can't seem to find any other tool to do this. I did look for a while. As I said, I will pay for this. I'm not kidding. If you know of another place I should ask about this, feel free to tell me & I will try there. This seemed like the best place for it though, within scope (IMO), & I think there are a great many people who would not only appreciate, but have been dying for, this feature. It would make me go back to using Adblock Plus in all my profiles & browsers again. I wouldn't even bother with the others anymore. It's also something that I believe wouldn't be too difficult to implement. From what I know. Unfortunately I just don't know enough to personally pull it off, or believe me, I would have done it long ago. :(

I saw an interesting addon for Firefox in Android recently, it blocks Amazon & Ebay results based on whether or not you've already seen them, I believe. Maybe they have some suggestions on how to do this.

It would also be extremely nice if this could work on sites with multiple authors/posters, such as a multi-blog platform where people post content in different categories. There are always users ruining it with their garbage money making schemes or even stolen content that they try to make money with.... again, basically like ads.

Re: [Feature Request] Extension for filtering out seller/poster

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 1:02 pm
by greiner
I could imagine this being done in two ways:
  • Create a separate extension
  • Create a new filter list that can be used with Adblock Plus
The latter is not possible yet but should become reality as soon as #5249 lands - it's in the development builds at the moment - which will allow you to create filters such as

Code: Select all > p:-abp-contains(My Example Shop))
That'd allow you to hide an element based on the content of a specific element inside it. In the given example it'd hide all Etsy search result items from the shop "My Example Shop".