[Done] EHH should detect if a whole class name is removed

Various discussions related to Adblock Plus development
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[Done] EHH should detect if a whole class name is removed

Post by famlam »

Just a simple example, it is no ad, but the real example was on a Dutch site and I won't bother you with languages you probably don't know
Say you are on http://www.bbc.co.uk/ and you 'really' would like to block the brown boxes below each column header.

Their class is "title noSummary themeBgColour"

This results in the EHH suggesting

But what if you would like to block class "title"?
The EHH suggests

However, my request is to let it suggest

or more general:
if you modify the class field in the EHH and you remove a full class then it should still show the element.class1.class2 syntax, rather than suggesting element[class^="class1 class2"]

Or maybe a better example:
You again have
but you really don't want noSummary in the selector.
So you remove it. Now the css selector SHOULD be
bbc.co.uk##DIV.title.themeBgColour or eventually bbc.co.uk##DIV[class^="title"][class$="themeBgColour"]
but it shows the (invalid) filter
bbc.co.uk##DIV[class*="title themeBgColour"]

(p.s.: the real example which made me report this is that I wanted to block the divs with class "teaser-component-inner border" on "http://www.metronieuws.nl/". But of course the 'border' class doesn't need to be in the selector... so I removed it and was wondered about the EHH suggesting a [class^="..."] filter instead of a .class filter. But as said before, I wouldn't bother you with a Dutch list. I can read it (otherwise I couldn't maintain a Dutch filter list), but I guess you can't)
(p.p.s.: I used 'green' as the 'best' filter, blue as the current filter, which isn't perfect and red as broken filter...)
Wladimir Palant

Re: Request: EHH should detect if a whole class name is removed

Post by Wladimir Palant »

I think EHH should allow to select individual classes in addition to being able to hide by attribute. Same should go for id attribute. So if we have <div id="foo" class="bar bas"> the suggestions should be:

Tag name: DIV (not editable, not checked by default)
ID: foo (not editable, checked by default, adds "#foo")
Class: bar (not editable, only checked by default if no ID, adds ".bar")
Class: bas (not editable, only checked by default if no ID, adds ".bas")
id: foo (editable, not checked by default, creates rules like [id="foo"])
class: bar bas (editable, not checked by default, creates rules like [class="bar bas"])

Invalid ID and class values should be considered here and only allow hiding by attribute (this is already on the roadmap and was discussed in forum/viewtopic.php?t=5682). The only problem is user confusion when the same attribute can be used in different ways.

Moved to Future development.
Wladimir Palant

Re: [Roadmap] EHH should detect if a whole class name is removed

Post by Wladimir Palant »

Added to EHH 1.1 roadmap (tentatively).
Wladimir Palant

Re: [Roadmap] EHH should detect if a whole class name is removed

Post by Wladimir Palant »

Heh, I didn't realize that the proposed solution here requires string changes - we are past string freeze for EHH 1.1 so this can no longer be implemented. Maybe this can be solved differently...
Wladimir Palant

Re: [Roadmap] EHH should detect if a whole class name is removed

Post by Wladimir Palant »

Turned out this is already working in the current development builds - one only needs to remove the "unnecessary" classes from the text field.