Your Adblock Plus is up to date

Adblock Plus Premium is here! Enjoy more control over the web with added features designed to create a better browsing experience.

Block up to 23% more distractions with Adblock Plus Premium and improve your online experience further

Hide annoying cookie consent banners

Block floating videos, email-signs-ups and more

Get faster page load speeds


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Can you spot the difference?

Pop-ups, floating videos and cookie banners disappear when you upgrade to Premium

Use the slider to reveal how Premium works

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Why go Premium?

Block cookie consent pop-ups

Across the internet, websites are showing notifications that inform you about cookie usage on their sites. You can hide these annoying pop-ups with Premium access.

Block more distractions

Take control of your browser and browse the way you want to! Say goodbye to newsletter pop-ups, floating videos, and other annoying distractions with Distraction Control.

Support Adblock Plus

Your support allows us to create a distraction-free and worry-free internet experience for everyone. Help us keep Adblock Plus going for years to come and get access to more features as we release them.

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