Simple, powerful ad blocking
- Block ads and pop-ups
- Stop trackers
- Block site notifications
- Stop floating videos
- Hide newsletter pop-ups
- Ignore survey requests
Enhanced pop-up blocking, faster page load times, and better privacy protection
You’re probably all too familiar with the pesky pop-ups that ask you to consent to cookie usage as you surf the web. They’re everywhere thanks to internet privacy laws. And while we’re big fans of transparency and online privacy, there’s no denying that these cookie banners are an annoyance for internet users.
With Adblock Plus Premium, you can now say goodbye to a frustrating browsing experience and block cookie banners across the web. Get where you’re going faster when Adblock Plus Premium hides those banners from view and rejects all the unnecessary cookies we can on your behalf. Enjoy a seamless browsing experience with fewer interruptions and less tracking from advertisers. Sign up for Adblock Plus Premium today to get started.
Simple, powerful ad blocking
Block additional distractions, including floating videos, newsletter pop-ups, and more
Everywhere around the web you’ll see pesky pop-ups about cookie usage. With Premium, you can enjoy a better internet experience and block cookie banners as you browse.
Take control of your browser and browse the way you want to! Say goodbye to newsletter pop-ups, floating videos, and other annoying distractions with Distraction Control.
We are a small team and your support allows us to create a distraction-free and worry-free internet experience for everyone. Help us keep ABP going for years to come and get access to more features as we release them.