Block more with Premium

Say goodbye to additional annoyances like floating videos, newsletter pop-ups, and other distractions.


SAVE 17%

$ 19 99 /yr

Block additional distractions, including floating videos, newsletter pop-ups, and more

Get Premium


  • Block ads and pop-ups
  • Stop trackers
  • Block site notifications
  • Stop floating videos
  • Hide newsletter pop-ups
  • Ignore survey requests


$ 1 99 /mo

Block additional distractions, including floating videos, newsletter pop-ups, and more

Get Premium


  • Block ads and pop-ups
  • Stop trackers
  • Block site notifications
  • Stop floating videos
  • Hide newsletter pop-ups
  • Ignore survey requests


$ 0 /yr

Simple, powerful ad blocking

Your plan


  • Block ads and pop-ups
  • Stop trackers
  • Block site notifications
  • Stop floating videos
  • Hide newsletter pop-ups
  • Ignore survey requests

Why go Premium?

Block more distractions

Take control of your browser and browse the way you want to! Say goodbye to newsletter pop-ups, floating videos, and other annoying distractions with Distraction Control.

Get Premium

Support ABP

We are a small team and your support allows us to create a distraction-free and worry-free internet experience for everyone. Help us keep ABP going for years to come and get access to more features as we release them.

Get Premium

Frequently asked questions

How do I upgrade to Adblock Plus?

Your extension will be automatically upgraded once you purchase Adblock Plus Premium. And you can immediately try out Adblock Plus Premium features by enabling them from the General Settings page. If you’d like to redeem your upgrade on additional computers you use, please see this article.

Why isn’t Adblock Plus Premium free?

Adblock Plus Premium provides customization features that have been requested by users like you. To build these features, we need more developer resources that can be supported by one-time donations. Please note that this upgrade doesn’t provide additional ad blocking. Ad blocking has always been free and we intend to keep it that way!

How can I learn more about Adblock Plus Premium?

Please visit our Help Center to learn more about Adblock Plus Premium.

Elige tu plan

Garantía de devolución durante 60 días

Step 2: Choose Payment Type

Adblock Plus Premium Total: $19.99yr

Payment Confirmed!

Thank you for upgrading to Adblock Plus Premium! Click “Get Started with Adblock Plus Premium” to configure your settings.

Payment Details

  • Adblock Plus Premium: $1.99monthly

If you have any questions, please visit our Help Center or contact our support team at We’re always happy to hear from you!

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Haz clic a continuación para personalizar tu experiencia en Internet. Elige un tema, bloquea las distracciones adicionales y mucho más.



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Se ha producido un problema de nuestra parte. Se ha registrado y ya lo estamos investigando. Ponte en contacto con nosotros y déjanos ayudarte a terminar tu configuración.