תרומה ל-Adblock Plus
Adblock Plus הוא פרויקט קוד פתוח מונע קהילה שמטרתו להפוך את האינטרנט לטוב יותר עבור כולם על ידי הסרת מודעות רעות.
בבקשה תמכו בנו אם אתם אוהבים להשתמש בזה.
הפיצו את הבשורה
דווחו על באגים
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עזרו למשתמשים אחרים
תרגום Adblock Plus
הציעו הצעות
Add or improve filters
Evaluate acceptable ads
הפיצו את הבשורה
בעוד אף אחד לא מרוויח מכך ישירות, אימוץ נרחב של תכנות לחסימת מודעות יגרום למודעות פולשניות להיות לא יעילות כלכלית, עד אשר יהפכו לנדירות כמו שחלונות קופצים כיום.
ישנן דרכים רבות כיצד תוכלו לעזור למטרתנו בהפיכת Adblock Plus ליותר פופולרי:
דווחו על באגים
If you think Adblock Plus isn't behaving the way it should, tell us. You may encounter a situation that is new to us, therefore we rely on your bug report to fix the issue. Please be sure to include all of the necessary information needed to reproduce the issue, such as: the browser and browser version, the version of Adblock Plus and the conditions in which the issue occurs. Additionally, please be on the lookout for any follow-up questions we may have.
Contribute code
עזרו למשתמשים אחרים
If you are an experienced Adblock Plus user, consider answering questions from new users. Have a look at the forum; there are always users looking for assistance with various Adblock Plus topics.
תרגום Adblock Plus
Adblock Plus is currently translated into more than 30 languages (yet some translations have been abandoned), and we still need translators for more languages! To contribute as a translator, please register on Crowdin and join our translation projects: Adblock Plus for Firefox, Adblock Plus for Chrome, Element Hiding Helper, Customizations for Adblock Plus. Select a language and start suggesting translations! If translating text isn't what you're looking for, you can simply vote on translations provided by other users.
הציעו הצעות
There is always something that can be improved, so please share your ideas with us. We encourage you to not only tell us what needs to be changed, but explain to us how it should be changed. Feel free to open a new thread in the forum or join an existing discussion. Note that for various reasons, not every suggestion will be accepted. And remember, please stay constructive in your criticism.
Add or improve filters
Adblock Plus is only as good as its filters. Share your filters, suggest new ones or help communities of volunteer contributors to draft and update filter lists. These filter lists need to be constantly maintained to block menaces like new tracking systems, malware threats and intrusive ads. Click here for a list of requirements.
If you come across a website on which an ad isn't blocked, or a filter list causes an issue, please report it.
eyeo GmbH, the company behind Adblock Plus, has no right to, or control over, any filter list content other than the ABP Anti-Circumvention Filter List and Acceptable Ads.
Evaluate acceptable ads
Eyeo is the originator behind the Acceptable Ads initiative, which is aimed at supporting websites that choose to use nonintrusive ads. Criteria defining nonintrusive, and therefore acceptable ads, has been established based on strict guidelines.
We encourage users to join the ongoing discussion to determine which ads qualify as acceptable ads. Visit the forum to share your thoughts.