Aplikace Adblock Plus byla odinstalována

Sorry to see you go!

Would you mind taking a moment and telling us why you've uninstalled Adblock Plus?

  • Could you share the URL where ads appeared? We'll investigate it. If you'd rather not, that’s okay—just click Submit.
  • In rare instances, Adblock Plus may prevent some websites from displaying or functioning correctly. This is typically not a bug but rather a problem with a filter list (or custom filter). See Adblock Plus breaks the websites I visit to find out how to troubleshoot these issues.
  • Could you share which ad blocker? 

    Could you tell us why you chose that ad blocker instead?
    If you'd rather not, that's okay-just click Submit.
  • One of the most common questions our team receives is if there is any way to work around adblock walls. See A site asks me to disable ABP. What to do? to find out how to troubleshoot these issues.
  • No payment is needed. Contributions are optional, so you can simply close the tab and continue using it for free.
  • Did you know you can easily opt out of Acceptable Ads? You can easily disable it in the options page under 'General' and 'Filter Lists. You'll still enjoy full ad blocking!
  • Could you let us know why you're uninstalling Adblock Plus? Your feedback helps us improve. If you'd rather not, that’s okay—just click Submit.

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Kliknutím na tlačítko Odeslat odešlete odpověď ke službě Adblock Plus. Prostudujte naše zásady ochrany osobních údajů.